If a severe storm or high winds have passed through your area, you may find that the trees on your property have suffered damage. Bringing in a tree care professional is a critical first step to determine which tree(s) can be salvaged and which one(s) should be removed safely.
Tree Removal Takes a Careful Assessment
A damaged or diseased tree may have broken branches hanging high up in the canopy. Some of these branches can be incredibly heavy and will take expertise to bring down safely. A skilled tree removal professional can determine the best way to take weight off of a damaged tree before moving in to remove the trunk.
As your tree removal experts work on removing hazards from high in the tree, they’ll also be keeping an eye on factors such as balance. A tree that has suffered branch loss may be badly out of weight. Tree removal professionals will need to carefully study the next steps in removing weight from other areas of the tree to avoid a catastrophic tip of the main body of the tree.
Finding Access for the Right Tools
Tree removal equipment can include cranes and other lifting equipment. If a tree is right off the alley behind your property, accessing it may be simple. Trees in the middle of your backyard may be more difficult to reach.
In such cases, it may be necessary to bring in a chipper to reduce the biggest branches to a more lightweight material. Once your tree professional studies the location of the tree to be removed, they can determine the best equipment to bring to the worksite.
Estimating a Timeline for Tree Removal
As a general rule, tree removal only takes a few hours. If the tree to be removed is in a location that is difficult to reach, though, the removal process may take longer. Tree roots may be also tangled with other plantings. Taking out a tree that is enmeshed with other plantings comes with separate challenges.
Over time, diseased and damaged trees can become a haven for pests. If the tree to be removed is infested with insects, the tree removal may have to be delayed until the tree can be treated. Mammalian pests such as raccoons may need to be trapped before the tree removal can begin.
If you are a resident of Lafayette, IN and need help with tree removal, call Lafayette Huesca Tree Services for a free service estimate on safe tree removal.